An illness and long spell in hospital was a turning point in Sarwat’s journey. After showering with a luxurious soap bought in by her husband Richard, Sarwat was amazed how the beautiful scent from a bar of soap lifted her spirits. It was a reminder that the basic things can somehow make all the difference, even for just a few moments. That night Sarwat decided that she would begin to make soap for a local homeless charity.
But Sarwat wanted to create the very best ethical soap using natural ingredients, the knowledge and wisdom of herbs and spices passed down from her parents and of course, it had to be made with love.
At Kushboo, we approach making skincare as we would approach cooking, especially Indian cooking - where every single ingredient is natural and is chosen for its specific purpose to cleanse, moisturise and balance the skin. It’s the combination of quality ingredients, passion, skills and integrity all combining to create something truly unique. We handcraft every single bar soap individually in our 'Soap Kitchen', located in the beautiful Ribble Valley in the heart of Lancashire, England - an area of outstanding beauty, offering breathtaking inspiration in our creation of natural skincare.”